Sunday Services
We currently hold two services on a Sunday (morning and evening) and every so often seek God outside of the church building. At these times, we may meet in Candie Gardens or board a ferry to Herm.

Our 10:30am Service
Our morning service is a warm, all-inclusive service which starts with some songs with the children before they leave for junior church. If you have children, they are welcome to join our Junior church if they wish to. We generally have a time of open worship and waiting on God before a reading from the Bible and a message on the text seeking to apply God’s word to our lives as individuals and as a community of believers.
At the conclusion of the service teas, coffees and refreshments are available. This is a good time for conversation and getting to know each other better.
On the first Sunday of the month, we share communion together. We practise an open table for all who know and love the Lord Jesus and desire sincerely to follow Him in discipleship.

Our Services in the
Wider Community
On the last Tuesday of every month, we hold a prayer meeting at the church from 7.45pm. All are welcome.
During the peak of summer ,we visit the island of Herm and hold a special service at St Tugual's Chapel.
* Please note that our Sunday 6pm service has been discontinued.
+44 (0) 1481 725 048
+44 (0) 1481 235 030
+44 (0) 1481 232 678